Husayn Fawzi Al-Najjar was born on November 16, 1918 in Egypt. He was graduated in 1940 from Fu'ad Al Awwal University, where he studied History. That same year, he graduated from the Royal Military College - Reserve Forces. His class of graduates were the first from the Reserve Forces to become army officers, as this Reserve Force system had just been introduced. He also attended the Institute of Journalism and the Institute of Education at Fuad Al Awal University. From 1941–1942, he embarked on a career as an army officer and saw active service in both World War II and the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. From 1950 to 1954, he taught national history at the Royal Military College. In 1952, he played an active role in the Egyptian coup d’état. From 1954 to 1961, he undertook a diplomatic role and, on the recommendation of Defense Secretary Marshal Mohamed Ibrahim. He also became the Head of Media for the League of Arab States. He later became an adviser to the Ministry of Education. In 1957, he completed his doctorate in journalism at Cairo University with first-class honors. At the same time he gained practical experience on the newspaper that had been founded by Ahmad Lutfi Al Sayyid, "Al Jarida." He was regarded as an authority on historical matters on this pioneering newspaper. He later wrote a well-known book, Lutfi al-Sayyid, the Teacher of a Generation . He was a disciple of Ahmad Lutfi Al Sayyid and Muhammad Husayn Haykal, the latter recognizing the young Husayn Fawzi Al-Najjar as having the makings of an outstanding historian. Indeed, Haykal wrote the introduction to Husayn Fawzi Al Najjar's book "Policy And Strategy In The Middle East," regarding it as a pioneering work in that field. Al-Najjar was becoming a leading figure in the field of policy and strategy in the Middle East and was a Lecturer on those subjects in the Military Staff College until 1954. In 1958, he was awarded a Post-doctorate Fellowship degree from Harvard University in Political Science.
Although he officially retired in 1973, Dr. Al Najjar carried on his teaching work at various institutions, including Cairo University and Al Azhar University. He was also a human rights advocate and a founding member of the first registered body for human rights in Egypt, Jam`iyyat Ansar Huquq al-Insan fi Misr. With a small number of like-minded intellectuals such as Tewfik Al Hakim and Yusif Al Sebaie, he also helped found the Writers' Union. From 1994 until his death in 2003, Dr. Al Najjar suffered from a long illness that prevented him from continuing his scholarly work and activities. Variation in spelling of Dr El Naggar's name
Hussein, Husayn, Husain
Fawzi, Fawzy
El-Naggar, Al Najjar, Naggar, Najjar
Dr. Husayn Fawzi Alnajjar wrote over 55 books during his lifetime. As a critic and evaluator of the Islamic State concept, he wrote a number of books the best known being AL Islam wal Siyasah and Al Dawlah Wal Hukm Fi Al Islam For his theory on the Egyptian personality, he wrote Lutfi AL Sayid Wal Shakhsiya al Misriya. For his theory on history and biographies, he wrote Al Tarikh Wal Siyar published by Al Maktaba Al Thakafiya.His other books include :
Al Isalm Wal Siyasah, published by Dar al Maarif, Cairo 1977
Al Dawlah Wal Hukm fi al Isalm, published by Dar Al Huriyah, Cairo 1985
al Islam wa falsafet al hadarah, published by dar al taa Awon, Cairo 1993
Al Islam wal Dawalh al Asriyah, published Al Haiy,a Al Misriya al Ama Lil Kitab Cairo 1988
Al Islam Wa Roh Al Asr, published by Dar al Maaref Liltebaa wal Nashr Cairo 1979.
Policy and Strategy in the Middle East, published by Maktabet al Nahada al Misriyah, Cairo 1953
Al Arab Wal Urubah, published by Maktabet Al Anglo Al Misriyah, Cairo 1984
America Wal Alam, published by Maktabet Madbouli, Cairo 1986
Asharq al Arabi Bayn Harbayn, published by Al Dar Al Kawmia Lil Tibaa wal Nashr, Cairo 1963
Misr Fi al Muhit al Dawli, published by Ikhtarna liltalib series, Cairo 1963
Al Fikr Al Siyasi Al Hadith, published by Dar Al KATEB al Araabi 1967,مكان النشر والناشر: القاهرة:دار الكاتب العربي للطباعة والنشر
تاريخ النشر: 1967 لنجار حسين فوزي—الفكر السياسي الحديث—Cairo 1970
Petrol Al Arab, published by Ikhtarnah Lil Taleb series, Cairo 1960بترول العرب
بترول العرب المؤلف: حسين فوزى النجارالناشر: كتب نادرة
وحدة التاريخ العربي /Waḥdat al-tārīkh al-ʻArabīAuthorنجار، حسين فوزي. تأليف حسين فوزي النجار. ; Ḥusayn Fawzī Najjār
Publisher: مكتبة الأنجلو المصرية، : Maktabat al-Anjlū al-Miṣrīyah,
Aḥmad Luṭfī al-Sayyid : ustādh al-jīl 1965 الدار المصرية للتأليف والترجمة، : al-Dār al-Miṣrīyah lil-Taʼlīf wa-al-Tarjamah
ʻAlī Mubārak : Abū al-taʻlīm,1967دار الكاتب العربي، al-Qāhirah : Dār al-Kātib al-ʻArabi 1967 دار الكاتب العربي، al-Qāhirah : Dār al-Kātib al-ʻArabī
Mohamed Naguib Safhaton Men Tarikh Misr Al Muaser, published by Riyad Al Rayes London, 1990
Mustafa Kamel Ra,ed Al Wataniya Haya AL Misriya lil Kitab, Cairo 1994
TRANSLATED Kadat Al Fikr al dawli fi al karn al ishreen by kenneth Thomson published by Dar Al Marref 1980 Anne Sullivan Mu.alimati by Helen Keller published by Dar al Maaref cairo 195?هيلين كيلر- - ترجمة الدكتور.فوزي حسين النجار - دار المعرفة - القاهرة، Al Azhar Fi Alf Aam by Bayard Dodge published by Al Hayat al Misriya il Kitab Cairo 1994 Saatu Al Hasm by Kenneth Galbraith آراء في السياسة والاقتصاد /ساعة الحسم / تأليف جون كنيث جلبرت ؛ ترجمة حسين فوزي النجار. بيانات النشر القاهرة : دار النهضة العربية،published by dar al nahda al arabiaya Cairo 195