Husbands Beware

Husbands Beware is a 1956 short subject directed by Jules White starring American slapstick comedy team The Three Stooges. It is the 167th entry in the series released by Columbia Pictures starring the comedians, who released 190 shorts for the studio between 1934 and 1959.


Moe and Larry marry Shemp's overweight sisters, and discover to their horror after the vows that the girls are a couple of battle axes. After being kicked out from their place, the new bridegrooms vow revenge on Shemp for introducing them. Later, Shemp has a voice lesson with student, Fanny Dinkelmeyer since he is a music teacher. He then discovers that he has to marry a woman within seven hours to receive $500,000 from his dead Uncle's will.
After some searching, the Stooges finally find Shemp's student, Ms. Dinkelmeyer. Several of Shemp's old ex-girlfriends all arrive at the Justice of the Peace's office, wreaking havoc in an attempt to marry Shemp for his money. But Shemp weds the harridan, just under the deadline, and then discovers that his Uncle is not dead, there is no $500,000 will, and that everything was Moe and Larry's revenge because Shemp let Moe and Larry marry his two overweight sisters and got divorced. Shemp gets so angry, he takes out a gun and shoots Moe and Larry in the rear end as they try to flee.



The second half of Husbands Beware is stock footage from 1947's Brideless Groom. In the new footage of the wedding sequence, a double stands in for Dee Green. The new scenes were filmed on May 17, 1955.
the short was first posthumous of Shemp Howard release following his death on November 22, 1955.