Hussards (literary movement)

The Hussards was a French literary movement in the 1950s which opposed Existentialism and the figure of the politically engaged intellectual as personified by Jean-Paul Sartre.


Its name was coined by the literary critic Bernard Frank, who grouped several figures under the ironic name of "hussards" in an article published in December 1952 in the journal Les Temps modernes, titled "Grognards et hussards". Frank chose that name because of Roger Nimier's novel The Blue Hussar.


The Hussards were led by Jacques Chardonne and Paul Morand, and counted as core members Antoine Blondin, Michel Déon, Jacques Laurent and Roger Nimier. As in many literary or musical movements, the interested members rejected the label of "Hussards," Michel Déon and Jacques Laurent denying the very existence of the literary movement. However, other authors were consciously attached to the movement, such as Kléber Haedens, Stephen Hecquet, Geneviève Dormann, Félicien Marceau and Jacques Perret.
The Hussards may best be understood as a literary expression of the monarchist Action française or, in a broader sense, of the literary right. Almost all of the Hussards later participated to the Cahiers de la Table Ronde, renamed La Table Ronde, a review created for the purpose of contesting the predominance of Les Temps modernes and edited by Roland Laudenbach to which famous writers such as François Mauriac, Jean Giono or Jean Paulhan contributed.