
Hydrohalite is a mineral that occurs in saturated halite brines at cold temperatures. It was first described in 1847 in Dürrnberg, Austria. It exists in cold weather.
Hydrohalite has a high nucleation energy, and solutions will normally need to be super cooled for crystals to form. The cryohydric point is at. Above this temperature liquid water saturated with salt can exist in equilibrium with hydrohalite. Hydrohalite has a strong positive temperature coefficient of solubility, unlike halite. Hydrohalite decomposes at 0.1°C, giving a salty brine and solid halite. Under pressure, hydrohalite is stable between 7,900 and 11,600 atmospheres pressure. The decomposition point increases at the rate of 0.007°K per atmosphere.. The maximum decomposition temperatures is at 25.8°C under 9400 atmospheres. Above this pressure the decomposition point goes down.