Hyllarima was an inland town of ancient Caria, inhabited during Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine times. Hyllarima is one of the find-sites of inscriptions and is the type-site of one variant of the Carian alphabets. It was under Rhodian domination between 189 and 167 B.C. It had a number of rural sanctuaries, of which the most notable is that of Zeus Hyllos.
Hyllarima was the seat of a bishop in antiquity; no longer a residential bishop, it remains a titular see of the Roman Catholic Church.
Its site is located near Mesevle in Asiatic Turkey.
It has been noted that large historic theaters are still visible within the ruins, but there has yet to be any excavations of the site. While there is no evidence of prehistoric habitation, based on the location historians believe there is potential.