I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! (Australian season 1)

The first season of I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here premiered on Network Ten on [|1] February 2015. The season was hosted by Julia Morris and Chris Brown. Andrew 'Freddie' Flintoff won the season, getting crowned King of the Jungle on [|15] March 2015.


Results and elimination

Intruder trials

Before the new contestants enter camp and meet the other celebrities, they have to undergo trials.
  1. Anna and Tim took part in the "Bite Club" tucker trial as their entry to the jungle.
  2. Julie had to rescue Freddie by releasing him from a 'net' trap. Later, Freddie and Julie spent a night at the "Hard Rocks Hotel", so they could deliver luxury items to the celebrities already in camp.

    Tucker trials

The contestants take part in daily trials to earn food. These trials aim to test both physical and mental abilities. The winner is usually determined by the number of stars collected during the trial, with each star representing a meal earned by the winning contestant for their camp mates.
Air dateName of trialCelebrity participationNumber of starsNotesSource
11 FebruaryStar StruckBarry
[|2]2 FebruaryCircle of StrifeJoelNone
[|3]3 FebruaryYuck of the DrawMaureen
[|4]4 FebruaryIn the PitsLaura
[|5]5 FebruaryDanger DownunderBarryNone
6[|8] FebruaryScreech for the StarsLaura2
7[|9] FebruaryBite ClubAnna
8[|10] FebruaryBlood, Sweat and CheersLaura
9[|11] FebruaryRock StarLaura5
10[|12] FebruaryTemple of DoomTyson6
1115 FebruaryFright for Sore EyesAndrew
12[|16] FebruaryMirror, Mirror on the WallJoel
13[|17] FebruaryTwisted TakeawayLauren
14[|18] FebruaryBad Hair DayMervNone
15[|19] FebruaryHigh RollersTyson
1622 FebruaryCelebrity Stampede
1723 FebruaryStairway to StardomAndrew12
1824 FebruaryMarket MunchiesChrissie
1925 FebruarySafari SpaFreddieNone
2026 FebruaryDunk Your Lucky StarsJoel
211 MarchFlight or FrightFreddie
222 MarchBush BashingTyson
233 MarchSugar and StrifeJoel
244 MarchJungle JiveBarryNone
255 MarchCelebrity SlingshotBarry
268 MarchFlash FloodChrissie15
279 MarchDreadfallChrissie
2810 MarchDisgustationFreddie17
2911 MarchWalk the LineEveryone18
3012 MarchLord of the PiesBarry19
3115 MarchAfricarnageEveryoneNone

Celebrity chest challenges

Two or more celebrities are chosen to take part in the "Celebrity Chest" challenge to win luxuries for camp. Each challenge involves completing a task to win a chest to take back to camp. However, to win the luxury item in the chest, the campmates must correctly answer a question. If they fail to answer correctly, the luxury item is forfeited and a joke prize is won. The luxury item is "donated" by a celebrity from the outside.
EpisodeAir dateChest challengeCelebrity participationCelebrity prize donorPrizeSource
22 FebruaryLumberjack SawAndrew
Kyle SandilandsElectric bug zapper
44 FebruaryBowled OverLauren
Grant DenyerMarshmallows
They instead got a swimming cap
55 FebruaryCelebrity SlamLeisel
Jane HallBiltong, with tofu as a vegetarian alternative.
68 FebruaryJessica the HippoChrissie
Sandra SullyA bar of chocolate with 10 squares
810 FebruaryStep UpAndrew
Jeff FenechSalt and pepper
911 FebruaryCheat the CheetahJoel
Jackie OChampagne and strawberries
They instead got wax strips
1115 FebruaryVulture's CageMaureen
Warwick CapperPopcorn with butter & salt
1317 FebruaryCatfish CombinationFreddie
Ricky PontingIngredients to make scones
Joke prize unknown
1418 FebruaryNo PressureBarry
Ita ButtroseLollies and nuts
They instead got 'celebrity faces' on sticks
1519 FebruaryMilk ItAnna
Matt PrestonGoat cheese and crackers
1723 FebruarySpout It OutChrissie
Alan FletcherMilk and Milo
1824 FebruaryCrate ExpectationsJoel
Carrie BickmoreChocolate biscuits
They instead got an empty jug
1925 FebruaryPinata PummelAnna
Jamie DurieLollies
222 MarchFurry AnimalsMerv
Dr Katrina WarrenBiscuits
255 MarchBucket ListJulie
UnknownCherry Ripe
They instead got luxury items for
and Freddie
2911 MarchPoles ApartJulie
Michelle BridgesFruit and nuts
3012 MarchSpiders WebMaureen
Catriona RowntreeBread, butter and vegemite

Secret challenges

This is a challenge where some celebrities have to take part without alerting the other celebrities - if they are successful in their 'missions', they are rewarded.

The men's secret challenge

All of the men had to sneak into the Tok Tokkie without the women noticing. The reward was a 'night out' away from the women, eating Kentucky Fried Chicken and drinking beer

Maureen's sneaky snacks

During week 4, Maureen was given a series of tasks from the Tok Tokkie. This task was for her to secretly share some treats with select campmates without the others knowing.
  1. Coffee - Shared with Joel
  2. Koeksisters - Shared with Joel and Chrissie
  3. Garlic bread - Shared with Joel, Chrissie and Julie
The sneaky snacks trials were all undetected by the other campmates. The reward, for all three sneaky snacks being successful, included coffee, milk, sugar, koeksisters and garlic bread for all the campmates.

Freddie's beg, borrow, steal

Freddie's Secret Challenge, given to him at the Tok Tokkie, was to use other celebrities luxury items. His 3 tasks were:
  1. Obtain Joel's picture of Harry Styles
  2. Use Chrissie's mirror and put it into his bag
  3. Sit on Barry's sheepskin bed without him noticing
Freddie completed these tasks in the following ways:
  1. The picture was borrowed by stating to Joel he wanted it to overlay his son's picture on the frame because he was turning 9 today.
  2. Chrissie's mirror was stolen by placing a jar of salt in front of the flip mirror, distracting her from noticing he was taking the mirror
  3. The sheepskin was sat on while Barry was relatively close, and the other campmates warned him against it, but he went undetected.
The reward was 10 minutes of "grooming time" for all campmates, i.e. time with various grooming implements like shavers. Freddie unexpectedly shaved his head down the middle, leaving only tufts of lighter shade hair on the side.

Mystery box

Every day during week 5, a mystery box was delivered to the campsite. Each time the box was delivered, something different was found inside.
  1. The box contained Grant Denyer, who asked the celebrities questions based on events that occurred in the outside world - if the answers the celebrities gave were correct, they ate as much of their favourite food as they could in a minute. If the answers were wrong, Grant Denyer ate their favourite food instead - in front of them.
  2. The box contained nine small containers of popcorn and a 'ticket' to see a 'horror' movie. The movie turned out to be clips of the celebrities themselves, with footage taken from various 'tucker trials'.
  3. In the box was a 2-way-radio and a bike. The celebrities had to use the bike to power the radio. Once the radio was powered enough, the celebrities could communicate to the outside world.
  4. In the box was a note stating that letters from home were up for grabs and that they would have to answer a question to win the letter. However each celebrity was playing for someone else's letter.

    Craft club

One of the notable activities to occur throughout the series was the Craft Club. Andrew began a craft club, making various wooden utensils, including a wooden spoon and chopsticks for his campmates, as well as making knitting needles for Julie. Julie took threads from a cloth bag, in which the luxury goods were brought into camp, and knitted various items including a headband for Freddie and a scarf for Joel, as well as a night mask for Chrissie's eyes.
