IANT Quranic Academy

IANT Quranic Academy is an Islamic private school in Richardson, Texas serving grades Kindergarten-12. It is a part of the Islamic Association of North Texas. The school was founded in 2002 with a Full Quran memorization, Hifz, and Academic program in response to the needs of thousands of American Muslims residing in the city and neighboring cities such as Dallas, Garland, Plano etc. It is one of the veteran Islamic schools in North Texas with over 15 years of experience.


Dr. Yusuf Ziya Kavakci was the founder, teacher, and first principal of IANT Quranic Academy, the founding Dean, and instructor of Suffa Islamic Seminary, and the founder and president of the Islamic Tribunal. Since then, the school has grown to what it is today.
IQA offers financial aid for over 30 students every year since inception and planning to add scholarship program for Richardson and surrounding city residents.
The school also offers college preparatory courses in conjunction with Dallas County Community Colleges allowing students to earn college credit and even an associate degree by the time they graduate from high school.