The INTEROP V-Lab is a network of organizations, which links scientists, research centers, representatives of industry, and small and medium-sized enterprises. The members come from several European countries as well as China and represent 250 scientists and 70 organizations.
INTEROP-VLab was founded in 2007 and is the continuation of the INTEROP Network of Excellence, a research initiative of the European Union founded early 2000s, which developed the Model Driven Interoperability Framework.
In 2012 Guy Doumeingts was appointed general manager of INTEROP-VLab.


INTEROP-VLab is an initiative that is working within the context of interoperability, in particular the so-called Enterprise Interoperability. It aims to link together in a network researchers and research institutions and industry representatives, engaged in developing approaches and integrative solutions to connect heterogeneous industrial systems, public administrations or organizations.
The basic objective of INTEROP-VLab is the defragmentation of the European research and scientific landscape and support the cooperation of other regions of the world:
The activities of INTEROP-VLab consist of research, teaching and training services and standardization consultancy.
The independent research within INTEROP-VLabs is based on the following three key components:
Within INTEROP-VLab developed solutions include:
The members of the INTEROP-VLab are organize in poles of geographic regions within a State or group of States. Activities of each organization are coordinated at European level. The members of the INTEROP-VLab are: