ISO 24617-1:2009, ISO-TimeML is the International Organization for Standardization ISO/TC37 standard for time and event markup and annotation. The scope is standardization of principles and methods relating to the annotation of temporal events in the contexts of electronic documentation and language.

Objectives of ISO-TimeML

The goals of ISO-TimeML are to provide a common model for the creation and use of temporal and event annotation, as a means of managing time-related data within documents, and to enable later categorization and data extraction with use of this meta-data.

History of ISO-TimeML

ISO-TimeML was presented to the ISO for consideration as a standard in August 2007. In this presentation, the preliminaries of ISO-TimeML were outlined, and potential applications were examined. In the following year, revisions were made to ISO-TimeML as the standard transitioned from a New Project to a Working Project. The ISO-TimeML voting period began in October 2008 and was approved as an international standard by March 2009.

Current stage

ISO-TimeML as one of the members of the ISO/TC37 family of standards

The ISO/TC37 standards are currently elaborated as high level specifications and deal with word segmentation, annotations, feature structures, multimedia containers, and lexicons. These standards are based on low level specifications dedicated to constants, namely data categories, language codes, scripts codes, country codes and Unicode.
The two level organization forms a coherent family of standards with the following common and simple rules:
Joint work between ISO/TC 37/SC 4/WG 2 and the TimeML
Working Group that was agreed on at the TDG 3 and LIRICS Working Group
Meeting, USC/ISI, Marina del Rey, CA, U.S.A., 2006-04-20/21/22.
Proposed Project Leaders and Editors: