Iacomo Andrea

Iacomo Andrea, also known as Giacomo Andrea de Ferrara, was an architect from Ferrara and the author on a commentary on Vitruvius. Very little is known about Andrea; his name did not appear on any buildings in Milan.
prototype by Giacomo Andrea
Luca Pacioli wrote that Andrea was almost like a brother to Leonardo da Vinci. Andrea drew a prototypical
Vitruvian Man'' which may have served as the basis for Da Vinci's drawing or just been born alongside as a collaborative effort.
Andrea was very loyal to the Sforza family. After the occupation of Milan by the French, Andrea is said to have plotted against the French. He was put on trial and sentenced to death. Archbishop Pallavicini attempted to plead for his innocence. Iacom Andrea da Ferrara was publicly beheaded May 12, 1500. His body was quartered and placed on four different gates of the city.