Ibn al-Zaqqaq

For the Maliki scholar see Ali ibn Qasim al-Zaqqaq.
Ali ibn Attiya ibn al-Zaqqaq was one of the great poets of Al-Andalus during the reign of the Almoravids. He was an Muslim from Banu Lakhm. His mother was the sister of fellow Andalusian poet, Ibn Khafaja, and there is scholarly dispute regarding his father.. He was a disciple under philosopher Ibn Ṣîd de Badajoz.
The patrons of Ibn al-Zaqqaq were two Valencian families, a governor, a family of Almoravid dignitaries, probably the supreme Almoravid judge of the East and perhaps the Almoravid ruler Ali ibn Yusuf himself. He wrote mostly panegyric qasidas, in a time where poetry of that kind was quickly leaving patrons' payrolls in other areas of Spain.
Sueno de al Zaqqaq by Luis Delgado is a collection of the works of Ibn Al-Zaqqaq set to music.


Literary historian Emilio García Gómez referred to al-Zaqqaq's descriptive poetry as "the dramatization of metaphor".