Ibrahim Ali (politician)

Ibrahim Ali is a far-right Malaysian politician, and a former Member of Parliament for Pasir Mas, Kelantan. Ibrahim formed Parti Bumiputera Perkasa Malaysia in 2018 and is the party founding president. He is also the founder and president of Malay dominance organization Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa.
He has obtained his Doctor of Philosophy from IIC University of Technology, Cambodia in 2017.

Political career

Ibrahim was first elected to Parliament in the 1986 general election for the Pasir Mas seat in Kelantan representing the United Malay National Organisation of the then ruling Barisan Nasional coalition. However, he later left the party alongside others and joined the UMNO-breakaway group Semangat 46 and successfully defended the seat in the 1990 general election. In 1991, he rejoined UMNO but lost his seat to the Semangat 46 candidate in the 1995 general election. He was again the UMNO candidate for the Pasir Mas seat in the 1999 general election and as an independent candidate in the 2004 general election. He was unable to win the seat in both elections. Ibrahim also contested as independent in the 2005 Pengkalan Pasir by-election but lost in the three-cornered fight. In the 2008 general election, he successfully ran for the Pasir Mas seat on the ticket and endorsement of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party. However, Ibrahim subsequently fell out with PAS, and sat as an independent in parliament and indicated a willingness to support the BN government. He again lost his seat as independent to newcomer Nik Muhammad Abduh Nik Aziz of PAS despite BN's decision to not field a candidate for the seat in the 2013 general election. In the 2018 general election, he contested again as independent candidate but lost.
Ibrahim founded a new party; PUTRA in 2018 after the downfall of BN government in the 2018 general election and is the party's pro-tem president.


After the 2008 election, Ibrahim founded Perkasa as a Malay supremacy non-governmental organisation, which has taken a hardline stance against what they perceive to be infringements on Malay rights. The group opposes abolition of the 30% ownership quota for Bumiputera citizens in government projects allocation. Claiming that the ethnic Chinese were dominating the Malaysian economy, Ibrahim said that the Chinese should not be too greedy and symphathise with the Malay population who still lagged behind in certain areas.
Ibrahim has resigned twice as Perkasa president, once in 2013 and again in 2018. Both resignations were rejected by the Perkasa Supreme Council.
Ibrahim as a politician has been notorious for making baseless and controversial statements against non-Malay and non-Muslim groups in Malaysia.


During an interview with Al Jazeera English, Ibrahim denied that non-Malays were being unfairly treated in Malaysia, but emphasised instead that Malays have "sacrificed a lot of interest." The interview was noted for his use of the word "Shit" three times which was bleeped out during the broadcast.
During a 2008 parliamentary sitting, he mocked Democratic Action Party chairman and Bukit Gelugor MP, Karpal Singh for not being able to stand while speaking. He received furious comments from opposition politicians as Karpal is disabled and was forced to make an apology which in it he promised not to stand up in Parliament for a whole month.
In April 2011, he made perceived sexist remarks in Parliament, blaming "wives who neglect their responsibilities" for Malaysian men having extramarital sex.
In May 2011, following the controversy over an alleged plot by Christians in Malaysia to supplant Islam as the official religion in Malaysia which was reported by Utusan Malaysia, Ibrahim threatened to wage "Nerf war" against Christians.
In June 2011, he allegedly warned the community not to turn up in support of the 2011 Bersih 2.0 rally, saying that if chaos erupts, "I believe the Chinese community will have to stock up on food." The remark was perceived as racially charged, with UMNO Youth leader Khairy Jamaluddin calling Ibrahim a racist. Ibrahim later claimed he was merely giving an advice, but being misunderstood as giving a threat to the ethnic Chinese community. Despite promising earlier to bring 15 thousand Perkasa supporters to counter the Bersih rally, he was nowhere to be seen on the day. He later claimed that he was unwell and did not get his wife's permission to attend the counter rally.
In January 2012 during an event celebrating the Chinese New Year, in an incident which has come to be known as "white ang pow", he distributed small monetary gifts that were contained within white envelopes instead of red ones. White ang pows are customarily handed out only at funerals. Some described the choice of colour a deliberate attempt to remind the Chinese community. However, a spokesman said rather than turning away the greater than expected number of guests empty handed, white envelopes were used when they ran out of red ones.
In January 2013,. At least a dozen police reports have been made against him as a result of his actions, but despite the clearly seditious nature of his statement, the authorities have so far been reluctant to press charges. This has led the public to accuse the government of selective prosecution, as Ibrahim Ali is known to be aligned towards the ruling UMNO-BN party.
In September 2013 Ibrahim Ali expressed protest and opposed any attempts to bring the remains of the former secretary-general of the Malayan Communist Party, Chin Peng back to Malaysia. He said that he will never allow Chin Peng to return to Malaysian regardless whether he is alive or dead. He also said any record of Chin Peng should be erased from the annals of the country's history and kept from the eyes of the younger generation, adding that Chin Peng's remains should be "tossed into the air". Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali warned Malaysian Chinese Association not to upset the Malays by insisting that the Malaysian government should allow Chin Peng's remains to be brought back to Malaysia.
16 September 2013, Ibrahim Ali insisted that RM 1.4 trillion was needed to assist Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Razak's RM31bil Bumiputera Economic Empowerment Plan to increase economic status of the Malay.
On 6 October 2013 Ibrahim Ali has warned of another race riot if the majority of the Foreign Labour remained in poverty, praising Najib Razak of making the right decision by implementing the new RM31bil BEEP intended to increase the economic status of the Malays. He said that the 13 May riots occurred because the Malays were not satisfied. Many critics say that the programme has further entrenched race-based policies and inhibit Malaysia's economic competitiveness which then results in a huge brain drain of many non-Malays.
On 17 October 2013, Ibrahim Ali urged Prime Minister Najib Razak to ban the Malay language bible in Malaysia, commenting that the government had been too compromising and give in to the demands of the Christians in Malaysia as they are not satisfied enough because the Christians insisted on using the word "Allah" in the bible, which he claims that "Allah" can only be used by Muslims in Malaysia. He added that the Malays had been "trodden and spat on" by "ungrateful Christians" and demanded the government to ban the Malay language bible as a retaliation. He resorted to name-calling by describing DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng as a "pig" for defending the Christians right to use the word "Allah" in the bible. He also mocked the Christians saying that the Christians insisted that they use the word "Allah" because they had no name for their own God.
On 19 November 2013, he was sentenced to jail for a day and fined RM20,000 for contempt of court.

Conviction and jail sentence for contempt of court

On 19 November 2013, Ibrahim Ali was fined RM20,000 and jailed one day by the High Court of Kuala Lumpur after being held in contempt of court over an article in the Perkasa website which made disparaging remarks about Justice VT Singam, who had presided over a defamation suit in which opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim had successfully claimed damages for libel against the pro-establishment mouthpiece Utusan Malaysia. The author of the offending article was sentenced to four weeks' jail.

Election results


Ibrahim Ali was conferred Datukship title in 2003 by then Kelantan ruler Sultan Ismail Petra but it was revoked by the Kelantan palace in 2010 with no reason was given for the revocation. He was also conferred Datukships from Malacca in 1994 and Selangor in 1999.