Ice Cream Man (film)

Ice Cream Man is a 1995 American horror comedy television film produced and directed by Norman Apstein, written by Sven Davison and David Dobkin, and starring Clint Howard, Olivia Hussey, and David Naughton. The plot follows a deranged man recently released from a psychiatric institution who opens an ice cream factory where he begins using human flesh in his recipes.
The film had an estimated $2 million budget and was released direct-to-video, and in recent years has developed a cult following among viewers who see it as an unintentional comedy, and enjoy it for its campy production values. Joe Bob Briggs hosted the film on TNT, when it was shown on MonsterVision. Howard himself made an appearance, discussing the film with Briggs. It was released on DVD in 2004.


In a black-and-white prologue, a young boy witnesses the murder of an ice cream man in a small town.
Years later, the boy, named Gregory Tudor, returns to the town to become an ice cream man himself, having spent the intervening years in a mental hospital. Gregory is not entirely well after his release, however, and murders a garbage picker who triggers memories of his time in the hospital. He kills some people, all while doing his duties as ice cream man, leading to suspicion from local kids and the police. The ice cream man even goes so far as to graphically mix parts of people he has killed into his frozen treats, making his customers unwitting cannibals.


On October 9, 2014, a Kickstarter campaign backed by star Clint Howard was started to fund a sequel entitled Ice Cream Man 2: Sundae Bloody Sundae to coincide with the film's 20th anniversary. However the campaign was closed on October 30, 2014, after only 70 backers and just over $4,000 was made, nowhere near the $300,000 goal. However, it is stated that the project has not been abandoned and stated that they are looking for a new crowdfunding structure and alternative financing for the film. There is no current news on the filming of the movie.