Icelandic Elf School

The Icelandic Elf School is an organization located in Reykjavík, Iceland, that offers lectures and guided tours about Icelandic folklore.
The organization teaches about the hidden people and the 13 different kinds of elves that the organization believes inhabit the country of Iceland. According to the organization's headmaster, hidden people "are just the same size and look exactly like human beings, the only difference is that they are invisible to most of us. Elves, on the other hand, aren’t entirely human, they’re humanoid, starting at around eight centimetres".
The organization is headed by Magnús Skarphéðinsson. Magnús has a full curriculum, and certificate programs for visitors that can be earned in as little as half a day. However, the organization also publishes texts on hidden people, partly for its own use in the classroom. Magnús organizes five hour long educational excursions for visitors, and finishes the tour with coffee and pancakes. Since opening in 1991, over 9,000 people, most of them foreigners, have attended the organization. The Álfaskólinn also provides "aura readings" and "past-life explorations".