Icelandic units of measurement

A number of units of measurement were used in Iceland to measure length, mass, area, capacity, etc. Since 1907, the metric system has been compulsory in Iceland.

Unit system before the metric system

A number of units were used and these units were analogues to Danish.


A number of units were used in Iceland to measure length. One foot was equal to 0.31385 m and one nautical mile was equal to 1,855 m, as they were defined by their metric equivalents. Some other units are given below:
A number of units were used to measure mass. One pound was equal to 0.5 kg as it was defined by its metric equivalent. Some other units are given below:
A number of units were used to measure area. One square fathom was equal to 3.546 m2 and one square mile was equal to 56.7383 km2, as they were defined by their metric equivalents. Some other units are given below:
A number of units were used to measure capacity. One pot was equal to 0.9661 l as it was defined by its metric equivalent. Some other units are given below: