Ideal Life

Ideal Life is the third self-created album by Lala Hsu, the pre-order of which started on 14 May 2012. The official release was on 6 June 2012, and the album included new songs and some songs published on streetvoice before. Lala Hsu was still in charge of the production, covering lyrics, music, creation and harmony. More importantly, the only producer invited was Chen Chien-Chi, who had been cooperating with Lala Hsu since her first album.
The preemption concert was held on 18 May 2012, and Lala Hsu's YouTube channel was founded at the same time.

Track listing

; Notes


;24th Golden Melody Awards - 2013
2013Best Mandarin Female SingerLala Hsu for Ideal Life

;Association of Music Workers in Taiwan - 2012
2013Best Mandarin AlbumIdeal Life
2013Song of the YearNot That Hard