Idu G7102

Idu was an official during the Sixth Dynasty, buried in Giza East Field, tomb G7102. He probably lived and served during the reign of Pepi I Meryre. He is the father of Qar whose tomb is nearby and Bendjet, buried in G7215.


G7102 lies in cemetery G7000 east of the related tomb of Qar. The mastaba exterior superstructure has disappeared.


The tomb depicts several members of his family:
Several dependents of Qar were also represented with their most relevant titles:
His titles were:
TitleTranslationIndex Jones
iwn knmwtsupport of knmwt22
imy-rȝ wpt ḥtpt-nṯr m prwyoverseer of the distribution of divine offerings in the two houses403
imy-rȝ ḥwt-wrtoverseer of the great court/Hall of Justice628
imy-rȝ zš mrtoverseer of the scribes of the meret-serfs795
wḏˁ-mdwdeterminer of disputes1507
mdw rḫytstaff of the rekhyet-people1698
ḥm-nṯr Mȝˁtpriest of Ma't1930
ḥry-sštȝ n wḏˁ-mdwcounsellor in determining disputes.2252
ḫnty-š Mn-nfr-ppyland tenant of the town Pyramid of Pepy I2531
ẖry-tp nzwtking's liegeman/royal chamberlain2874
smȝˁ wḏˁ-mdwone who sets right the judgement3256
sḥḏ wˁb ȝḫt-ḫwfwinspector of the priests of Akhet-Khufu3377
sḥḏ wˁb Wr-ḫˁ.f-rˁinspector of the priest of, 'Great-is-Khafra'3379
zš ˁ nzwtking's document scribe3057
zš ˁ nzwt ḫft-ḥrking's document scribe in the presence3063
zš mrtscribe of the meret-serfs3117