Ilias Panagiotaros

Ilias Panagiotaros is a Greek far-right politician and a former member of the Hellenic Parliament until 2019 with the party of Golden Dawn. In September 2013, Panagiotaros was arrested along with four other Golden Dawn MPs as part of a police investigation of the murder of Pavlos Fyssas, which Golden Dawn was accused of being involved in. Panagiotaros was charged in court and stood accused of being a member of a criminal organization.
In April 2014, Panagiotaros described Hitler as a "great personality, like Stalin" and denounced homosexuality as a "sickness". Panagiotaros also described most Muslim immigrants to Greece as, "Jihadists; fanatic Muslims" and claimed that he supported the concept of a one-race nation, stating, "if you are talking about nation, it is one race".