
In the Kalevala, the Finnish national epic, Ilmatar was a virgin spirit of the.


The name Ilmatar is derived from the Finnish word ilma, meaning "air," and the female suffix -tar, corresponding to English "-ress". Thus, her name means Airress. In the Kalevala she was also occasionally called Luonnotar, which means "female spirit of nature".
She was impregnated by the sea and wind and thus became the mother of Väinämöinen.

Sibelius’s ''Luonnotar''

composed the tone poem Luonnotar, for soprano and orchestra in 1913. In this work, the mythical origin of the land and sky, recounted in craggy verses from the Kalevala, becomes an intense Sibelian metaphor for the inexorable force—even the terror of all creation—including that of the artist. One of the composer's most compelling works, it alternates between two musical ideas. As heard at the outset, these are the shimmering stirrings of ever-growing possibility; and, underpinned with dissonant, static, harp strokes, the even more incantatory, distressed cries of the "nature spirit" herself, heavy with child.
