Image SXM

Image SXM is an image analysis software specialized in scanning microscope images. It is based on the public domain software NIH Image and extended to handle scanning microscope images, especially of the SxM formats, hence its name.


Image SXM supports image stacks, a series of images that share a single window. It can calculate area and pixel value statistics of user-defined selections and intensity thresholded objects. It can measure distances and angles. It can create density histograms and line profile plots. It supports standard image processing functions such as logical and arithmetical operations between images, contrast manipulation, convolution, Fourier analysis, sharpening, smoothing, edge detection and median filtering. It does geometric transformations such as image scaling, rotation and flips. The program supports any number of images simultaneously, limited only by available memory.


Image SXM is based upon a similar freeware image analysis program known as NIH Image, now become ImageJ.

NIH Image