Imaste dio

Imaste dio, Ímaste dió or Eimaste dio is a song by Mikis Theodorakis, the pro-leftist Greek composer and politician.


Ímaste dió was one of the songs written by Mikis Theodorakis for prominent member of the Greek left Andreas Lentakis towards the end of the 1960s. At the time of the 7 year military dictatorship in Greece this song, whose theme was the torture and isolation of a political detainee in prison, became a major rallying cry of the Greek leftwing political groups. The song is also featured in a comedy by Thanasis Veggos about the forbidden songs in Greece at the time of the generals.


A French version of Eimaste Dio, Nous sommes deux, was popularized by singer Georges Moustaki in the 1970s.