Immediate Delivery

Immediate Delivery, originally known as Agente XU 777 is a 1963 Mexican comedy film directed by Miguel M. Delgado and starring Cantinflas, Gina Romand, Claudio Brook and Fanny Cano. In the film, Cantinflas plays a simple mailman forced to become an international spy. It was the last black and white film made by Cantinflas, although he had already made six color films at the time.


Feliciano is a mailman who is recruited by a secret counterintelligence service, and must discover an international conspiracy.
He manages to find out that enemy agents, led by Carlota and Alex, will smuggle a teacher to decipher keys through a coffin. Feliciano is put in charge of the funeral home, but he ends up delivering the coffin to a wrong person, distracting the loyal agents and allowing the enemy to achieve their goal. However, the enemy agents discover that for the deciphering process they also must obtain a specific code.
In a parallel storyline, Feliciano learns that an old compadre of his arrangled for his daughter to go live with Feliciano after his death. Due to a letter from his compadre where he describes his daughter as his "bebé", Feliciano assumes that his compadre’s daughter is an infant, even buying a crib and milk for the impending arrival. However, much to his surprise, he ends up discovering that his compadre’s daughter is actually a young woman nicknamed "Bebé", and they end developing a romantic relationship. The enemy agents then kidnap Bebé to force Feliciano to betray his homeland and give the code to the enemy.
