
Imoh is a village in Anantnag Tehsils in Anantnag district in Jammu and Kashmir.


The location code or village code of Imoh is 003701. Imoh village is located under the block Achabal in Anantnag Tehsil of Anantnag district in Jammu & Kashmir, India. It is situated away from Anantnag, which is both a district and sub-district of Imoh village. The nearest police station and fire station are located in Achabal.
The geographical area of the village is 280.4 hectares. Imoh has a total population of 2,777 people. There are about 473 houses in Imoh village. The nearest town to Imoh, Achabal, is approximately 4km away.
Imoh has two religious shrines. One is situated opposite the house of Prince Asif namely Ziyarat Sheikh Lutufullah Sahib and another one is situated at the entrance of the village of Ziyarat Shah Sahib.
This village has six local link roads, which connect it to surrounding towns.
Imoh village also has a branch of JK bank


;By rail
Sadura Railway Station & Anantnag Railway Station are the closest railway stations to Kabamarg. However Jammu Tawi Railway Station is a major railway station, 243 km away from Kabamarg.