Inés Córdova

Inés Córdova Suárez was a Bolivian artist.


Inés Córdova studied at the in the Sopocachi neighborhood of La Paz, as well as the in Montevideo and the Conservatorio Massana in Barcelona. In the 1960s she developed new collage techniques incorporating textiles and metal.
The artist confirmed the death of Córdova, who had been his wife for 46 years, on 19 May 2010 in La Paz.
In April 2017, Imaná donated all of his artistic patrimony to the . This included a property in Sopocachi and several collections comprising approximately 6,000 pieces. One half corresponds to work in ceramics, sculpture, and painting by Córdova and by Imaná himself. The other belongs to collections of contemporary painting by Bolivian and Latin American artists, colonial objects, ceramics, and pre-Hispanic Andean weavings.
