In the Name of...
In the Name of... is an album by James Blood Ulmer's Music Revelation Ensemble, with guest saxophonist Sam Rivers, Arthur Blythe and Hamiet Bluiett, recorded in 1993 and released on the Japanese DIW label.Reception
reviewer Bret Love wrote, "The extremely busy soloing and dissonant arrangements may prove taxing for casual jazz fans, but In the Name Of... is sure to please fans of the free jazz sound". Critic Robert Christgau awarded the album an "A-".All compositions by James Blood Ulmer
- "In Time" – 8:10
- "Non-Believer" – 10:38
- "The Dawn" – 8:09
- "Mankind" – 9:28
- "Help" – 8:37
- "Abundance" – 6:13
- "Purity" – 7:49