Independence Centenary International Exposition

The Independence Centenary International Exposition was a World Expo held in Rio de Janeiro from September 7, 1922 to March 23, 1923, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Brazil's Independence. The expo happened during Epitácio Pessoa's mandate and was regarded as an opportunity to show off the growing industries and the potential market from Brazil. The fair was constructed alongside of the Rio Branco Avenue in a landed area built just for the occasion.
A total of 14 countries from 3 continents participated in the exposition.
Over 3,000,000 people attended the event.



, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, England, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and United States.

Exposition Pavilions

The Brazilian States Pavilion was the biggest pavilion in the fair with 6,013 exhibitors from all Brazilian states.