Indian locomotive class WAP-5

WAP 5 is the name of a class of "High Speed" electric locomotives produced and used by Indian Railways. The first 10 locomotives were imported from ABB in Switzerland in 1995. They are supposed to be a variant of the Swiss Lok 2000 and German DB Class 120.
One of the notable features of WAP-5 is regenerative braking. Other notable features of this loco are the provision of taps from the main loco transformer for hotel load, pantry loads, flexible gear coupling, wheel-mounted disc brakes, and a potential for speed enhancement to. Braking systems include regenerative brakes, loco disc brakes, automatic train air brakes, and a charged spring parking brake.
On 3 July 2014, a WAP-5 set an Indian speed record by hauling a train from Delhi to Agra within 90 minutes at a speed of.
The Gatimaan Express and Bhopal Shatabdi trains hauled by WAP-5 locomotives travel at and respectively in the New Delhi - Agra Cantt section.

Locomotive sheds

Named Locos

In October 2015, Chittaranjan Locomotive Works rolled out a WAP-5 locomotive with a gear ratio of 59:35:19 for speed operations up to. The control software was also modified accordingly.
Another locomotive was rolled out with aerodynamic cab profile.

Head on Generation

A WAP-5 locomotive with head-on generation was rolled by CLW in June 2018. In this locomotive, the hotel load converter has been accommodated in the same cubicle of traction converter.
More locomotives of this type will be rolled out in future.

Up-gradation to 6000HP

In March 2018, CLW rolled out a WAP-5 locomotive with an enhanced power output of about 4500 kW. Modifications were carried out in the control software.
Based on successful trials, I.Rlys decided to proliferate the modification in all WAP5 locomotives.


Specifications are as follows:
** Hotel load converter to be introduced soon.


WAP-5 has the following capacity for ICF coaches in tonnes:
GradientStart20 km/h30 km/h40 km/h50 km/h60 km/h70 km/h80 km/h90 km/h100 km/h110 km/h120 km/h130 km/h140 km/h150 km/h160 km/h
1 in 5001500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+147012501065910
1 in 2001500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+13501160995860745645
1 in 1501500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+13101125970840730635550
1 in 1001500+1500+1500+1500+1500+1500+146013251125970840730635555480420
1 in 501010980965955940865780710610525455400345305265230

Average weight of an ICF coach is 55 tonnes.