
Inedo is a software product company that makes Enterprise DevOps tools, namely BuildMaster, ProGet, and Otter. Inedo also publishes software-related products, including Release! the Game, Programming Languages ABC++, Code Offsets, and The Daily WTF.


Inedo was founded in 2007 and initially started as a custom software and development training company.
In 2010, Inedo officially launched their first software product BuildMaster. Following with the tools ProGet in 2012 and Otter in 2016.
In 2015, Inedo was named a “Cool Vendors in DevOps” by Gartner.
In 2016, Inedo acquired NuGet Server. NuGet Server is a small service wrapper for the NuGet.Server NuGet package.
In both 2016 and 2017, Inedo was recognized in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Release Automation.
Inedo announced an expansion in Japan including adding offices in Tokyo and being the primary organizer and sponsor of DevOps Days Tokyo 2017.



In 2014, Inedo published a card game “Release!” marketed as “a light card game about software and the people who make it”. The Kickstarter for Release! was supported and fully funded in under a week.

Programming Languages ABC++

The second Inedo Kickstarter project, Programming Languages ABC++, an alphabet book for toddlers and their adult counterparts, was fully funded in 2 days. The project was a joint collaboration with Michael and Martine Dowden, who had the idea and approached Inedo to illustrate and publish it.

Code Offsets

Code Offsets is an initiative by Inedo to “offset” lines of bad code. The proceeds from code offsets go towards various organizations and projects that benefit the development community.
The proceeds of the original run of “Bad Code Offsets” were donated to the Open Source Initiative, jQuery, PostgreSQL and the Apache Software Foundation.
Proceeds from Code Offsets 2016 benefit Tech Corps, a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring K-12 students have equal access to technology programs.
The denomination and personas featured on the 2016 editions are as follows:
Inedo CEO Alex Papadimoulis, is the founder and creator of The Daily WTF, a humorous blog dedicated to “Curious Perversion in IT”.