Infinite regress

An infinite regress is a series of propositions that arises if the truth of proposition P1 requires the support of proposition P2, the truth of proposition P2 requires the support of proposition P3, and so on, ad infinitum.
Distinction is made between infinite regresses that are "vicious" and those that are not.


argued that knowing does not necessitate an infinite regress because some knowledge does not depend on demonstration:

Philosophy of mind

argues in the philosophy of mind that mind-body dualism is implausible because it produces an infinite regress of "inner observers" when trying to explain how mental states are able to influence physical states.

Libertarian free will

asserts that human actions are not predetermined. Note that this is different from the claim that they do not have causes and are chosen consciously – i.e. are not random. Or else what would these conscious decisions be based on? Since they can't be based on nothing, this question can be asked for each subsequent answer or answers to it, thus forming an infinite regress.