Injustice (TV series)

Injustice is a five-part British drama television series about criminal defence barrister William Travers, who has lost faith in the legal system following a traumatic series of events. The one-hour drama premiered on 6 June 2011 on ITV. The series was released on DVD on 13 June 2011 via Acorn Media UK.


Barrister Will Travers, his wife, Jane, who teaches at a Young Offenders' Centre, and their younger daughter live in the Suffolk countryside. Natalie Chandra, a London solicitor, asks Will to defend Martin Newall, an old friend, accused of murdering his secretary and lover but protesting his innocence. Jane is not happy when Will takes the brief on as they had left London years earlier after his last murder case, with Jane leaving behind a successful career as a publisher.
The killing of a reclusive farm worker, John Jarrold, takes place near to the Travers' home, and the investigation is led by the hard-nosed D.I. Wenborn, who strongly dislikes Will after the barrister showed that one of his men lied in court to get a false conviction.



Catherine Gee of The Telegraph called Injustice a "nicely complex and multi-layered drama – even if it does resort to the occasional cliché."