
The Inocybaceae are a family of fungi in the order Agaricales. Members of this family have a widespread distribution in tropical and temperate areas.


The type genus of the Inocybaceae, Inocybe, had traditionally been placed within the family Cortinariaceae. Despite this, Jülich placed the genus in its own family, the Inocybaceae. Later, the Cortinariaceae were shown to be polyphyletic. Additionally, phylogenetic analyses of RPB1, RPB2 and nLSU-rDNA regions from a variety of Inocybe and related taxa would support Jülich's recognition of Inocybe at the family level. In their Dictionary of the Fungi, Kirk et al. did not distinguish between Inocybaceae and Crepidotaceae, but rather merged them into one family they called Inocybaceae. The literature has since then split up the classification given by Kirk et al. into not only Inocybaceae and Crepidotaceae, but also Tubariaceae and Chromocyphellaceae.