
Insper is a globally-ranked and one of the most prestigious school of business, economics, and engineering in Latin America, located in São Paulo, Brazil. Insper was founded in São Paulo in 1987 as a branch of Ibmec, another Brazilian business school, which was itself initially founded in Rio de Janeiro in mid 1980s.
At its foundation, Insper's flagship program was its MBA degree in Finance. Over time, the Institute grew, offering an Executive MBA, launched in 1998, and a Master of Laws degree, with a business concentration, launched in 1999. In 2002, Insper welcomed its first undergraduate class, and in 2015 it began offering a PhD program in Business and Economics.
The school was previously located in a high-rise building in the São Paulo suburb of Paraíso; in 2006, the school moved to its new campus in the Vila Olímpia neighborhood of São Paulo.


Insper is accredited by AACSB.
Insper's Executive MBA programs are accredited by the London-based Association of MBAs.