Institute for Emerging Issues

The Institute for Emerging Issues is a non-partisan public policy organization that exists to enhance North Carolina's long-term prosperity. A "think-and-do tank," IEI connects North Carolinians across sectors, regions, and perspectives for collaborative work on key emerging issues affecting our state's future economic competitiveness. As a unit of North Carolina State University, IEI advances the University's research, service and outreach contributions statewide. IEI was formally established by the University's trustees in 2002.


The Institute's roots reach back to 1986, when Gov. James B. Hunt, Jr., and NC State Chancellor Bruce Poulton convened the first Emerging Issues Forum. The Forum is an annual, two-day gathering of international, national and statewide thought leaders and stakeholders who discuss challenges and opportunities for North Carolina. A defining feature of the Forum is participants' collaborative effort to build consensus around specific recommendations for further collective action.
In 2002, the University's trustees established the Institute of Emerging Issues to administer the annual Forum and to conduct a related program of work across North Carolina.

Process and Work

IEI serves North Carolina as a "unique convener," regularly gathering leaders from business, nonprofit organizations, government and education to discuss and develop action steps designed to enhance North Carolina's future prosperity. IEI focuses its works in four issue areas: education, healthcare, the natural and built environments and the economy. IEI partners with stakeholder organizations across North Carolina to arrange productive conversations in communities throughout the state.
In 2013, IEI launched the , an innovative, award-winning "civic engagement gallery" located in the James B. Hunt, Jr. Library, on NC State's Centennial Campus. IEI is expanding its connection to citizens and their concerns through the Commons, which includes a digital platform.

Emerging Issues Forum

The annual Emerging Issues Forum continues to be IEI's signature event, drawing more than 1,000 attendees each year. The took place on January 8, 1986 at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh, NC. The theme was "Innovation and Competition: The Challenge to America." Speakers and participants included Chancellor Bruce Poulton, Governor Jim Hunt, NC State Student Body President , John A. Young, and Jim Goodnight, among others.
Past speakers include former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, New York Times columnist Tom Friedman, Steve Forbes and others. Recent Forum topics have included "Generation Z," advanced manufacturing and world-class teaching.

Forum History

1986: Innovation and Competition: The Challenge to America.
1987: Winning In The Global Economy
1988: Taking Control of the Future.
1989: Education For a Competitive Economy.
1990: Global Changes In The Environment: Our Common Future.
1991: Changes in Europe: Challenges for America.
1992: Priorities for America’s Future
1993: Strengthening America: New Economic Strategies.
1994: Investing in Health: An American Agenda.
1995: Conflict, Competition, Cooperation: Power Politics in a Changing World.
1996: The Knowledge Explosion: What the Payoff for Americans?
1997: Economic Forces: Shaping the Next Half-Century
1998: People and Planet: A Fragile Partnership
1999: Global Economic Storms.
2000: Shaping our Common Future
2001: First in America: Charting the Course for Excellent Schools
2002: Biotechnology and Humanity at the Crossroads of a New Era
2003: Jump Starting Innovation: Government, Universities & Entrepreneurs
2004: Creative Responses for Global Economic Change
2005: My Health Is Your Business: Making Healthcare Work in North Carolina
2006: Financing the Future
2007: Transforming Higher Education: A Competitive Advantage for North Carolina
2008: North Carolina’s Energy Futures: Realizing a State of Opportunity
2009: Changing Landscapes: Building the Good Growth State?
2010: Creativity, iNC
2011: An Idea Exchange for Healthcare
2012: Investing in Generation Z
2013: @Manufacturing Works
2014: Teachers and the Great Economic Debate
2015: Innovation Reconstructed
2016: FutureWork
2017 Focus Forum: Kidonomics: The Economics of Early Childhood Investment?
2018: Kidonomics: Investing Early in Our Future.

Reconnect NC Forum Series

In 2018, the Institute introduces a new model for forums, having two forums per year over three years, all focused on a theme: reconnecting North Carolina. For the first time in the Institute's history, three forums will be hosted outside of Raleigh.
The Institute for Emerging Issues reports formally to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. IEI is guided by a National Advisory Board, chaired by Mr. John F.A.V. Cecil, President, Biltmore Farms, LLC. Gov. James B. Hunt, Jr., who served as founding Chair 2002-2014, is Chair Emeritus. Leslie Boney joined IEI in January 2017, serving as the director.