Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences is an integral part of the Historical and Philological Studies Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is a unique Russian academic institution focused on comprehensive studies of Slavic history, culture, literature, and languages. The Institute carries on the traditions of Russian Slavic scholars that have evolved over the last two centuries.


The Institute was founded in 1947 as the Institute for Slavic and Balcan Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Since 1997, the Institute has its current name. Amongst the researchers of the Institute were Academicians of the RAS: Yulian Bromley, :ru:Державин, Николай Севастьянович|Nikolay Derzhavin, Boris Grekov, :ru:Литаврин, Геннадий Григорьевич|Gennady Litavrin, :ru:Марков, Дмитрий Фёдорович|Dmitry Markov, Leonid Milov, :ru:Обнорский, Сергей Петрович|Sergey Obnorsky, :ru:Пичета, Владимир Иванович|Vladimir Picheta, :ru:Писарев, Юрий Алексеевич|Yury Pisarev, Mikhail Tikhomirov, :ru:Толстой, Никита Ильич|Nikita Tolstoy, Vladimir Toporov, and Oleg Trubachyov; Corresponding Members of the RAS: :ru:Николаева, Татьяна Михайловна|Tatiana Nikolaeva, :ru:Третьяков, Пётр Николаевич|Petr Tretyakov, :ru:Удальцова, Зинаида Владимировна|Zinaida Udaltsova, and :ru:Волков, Владимир Константинович|Vladimir Volkov. Currently, there are Academicians of the RAS: Vladimir Dybo, Vyacheslav Ivanov, and Andrey A. Zaliznyak; Foreign Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts :ru:Турилов, Анатолий Аркадьевич|Anatolij A. Turilov; and Corresponding Members of the RAS: :ru:Гиппиус, Алексей Алексеевич|Aleksey Gippius and :ru:Флоря, Борис Николаевич|Boris Floria.
The principal lines of research at the Institute are as follows:
The Institute for Slavic Studies publishes several academic journals and periodicals:
Slavianovedenie is an academic journal published six times a year since 1965. Issues of the journal since 1965 till 2009 are available free on the website of the Institute.
Slověne = Словѣне. International Journal of Slavic Studies is a biannual peer-reviewed open-access academic journal since 2012.
Slavic Almanac is published since 1997.
Slavic World in the Third Millennium is a yearbook published since 2006.
Archaeographic Yearbook has been published since 1957 by the Archaeographic Commission.

Other yearbooks and periodicals