Institute of Highway Engineers

The Institute of Highway Engineers is the professional institution for practitioners in highway and traffic engineering offering Engineering Council registration and professional development support.
The Institute awards the professional qualifications: Incorporated Engineer, Engineering Technician and Chartered Engineer.
The Institute was founded in 1965 and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2015.
It has been registering engineers and technicians with the Engineering Council since 1972 and accrediting academic courses since 1989.

Membership and professional qualifications

The Institute of Highway Engineers is a membership organisation with approx 3500 members worldwide.
Membership grades include:
IHE is a licensed body of the Engineering Council and can award Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer and Engineering Technician professional qualifications.

Highway Engineering Academy

In 2018 the IHE launched the Highway Engineering Academy to accredit skills highways practitioners are expected to know and deliver in the workplace. There is a skills shortage within the highways sector and the Academy provides a one-stop-shop for highway engineers training needs. The training can lead to an IHE Professional Certificate or Diploma in Active Travel, Asset Management, Highway Maintenance, Road Safety Engineering, Transport Development Management, Transport Network Resilience, Traffic Signal Control, Traffic Signing and Road Markings, Temporary Traffic Management and Winter Services and is recognised by employers in the industry.