Institution of Analysts and Programmers

The Institution Of Analysts and Programmers is a professional body that represents those working in Systems Analysis, Design, Programming and implementation of computer systems both in the United Kingdom and internationally. Established in 1972 it has supported system developers across the world.
The IAP works with the Trusted Software Initiative to promote good software development practices.


With a worldwide membership, the IAP is a registered Private company limited by guarantee. Its objectives are to promote the ethical development of computer systems and applications. In addition to promote the learning of systems development at all ages.
The IAP has its head office in Hanwell, London and its Administration Centre in Worthing.
Members have access to a wide range of information and can download the ''Software Development Practice' online magazine on a regular basis.


The IAP is governed by its Trustee Board comprising the President, the Deputy President, Director General, Operations Director, Membership Director, Education Director and other elected members.
The Executive runs the organisation on a day-to-day basis and comprises the President, the Deputy President, Director General, Operations Director, Membership Director, Education Director.


The IAP has the following grades of membership:
The Awards Scheme is a venture with some universities where software projects are considered and an IAP award is given for excellence in design and development.

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