Institution of Railway Operators

The Institution of Railway Operators, known more usually as the IRO was launched in 2000, is an international organisation, active throughout the world. It is the professional body for all those engaged or interested in railway operations and its allied disciplines. It exists for its members and the rail industry as a whole.

Corporate member companies

Most of the current train and freight operating companies in the UK fall into this category. Also included is the Heritage Railway Association.

Local sections

The IRO has a number of local sections in a number of countries.
Internationally, there are sections in:
In the U.K.:
There is also a Young Operators section specialised for young people working on the national network and the Railway Engineers Forum which is a multi-disciplinary body drawn from Professional Institutions with strong railway interests.

Membership grades

Membership grade is dependent on the individual member's experience and / or formal qualification.
The headquarters of the IRO is located in Stafford, West Midlands.

IRO Learning & Development

The IRO has its own section for learning and development, and provides a means of competence certification for personnel undertaking work in the railway operations sector. The IRO promotes Learning & Development through Continuing Professional Development, the Mentoring Scheme and Academic Courses. The IRO aims to provide a focus for raising standards through the use of Short Courses in a bespoke training portfolio and longer courses to educate Railway Operations Management to Certificate, Diploma and Degree level.