Polytechnic José Antonio Echeverría

Today Technological University of Havana José Antonio Echeverría, in its beginnings University City José Antonio Echeverría, whose old acronyms are still used for their popular recognition. With the triumph of the Revolution on January 1, 1959, a stage of revolutionary transformations began at Cuba in the national sphere and among the first were the educational ones. This creates the conditions to start a true university reform, dreams until then unique to the great Cuban masters: Varela, Martí, Mella, Varona and of all those who for years had fought and even given their lives to establish a worthy University that was only achieved with Fidel. It is attached to the Ministry of Higher Education of Cuba.
On February 15, 2017, the National Accreditation Board granted the superior category of excellence, for its results in the comprehensive training of students, research and its impact on the municipality, the nation and the outside.


The history of the CUJAE has its antecedents in the old School of Engineers, Electricians and Architects of the University of Havana, created on June 30, 1900, when they were dictated Military orders for that purpose. In a beginning it began in the old convent of San Agustín, today Museum of History of the Medicine Carlos J. Finlay, soon to happen to the Hill, ascribed to the Faculty of Sciences and Letters of that University Center, with the races of Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering, adding the one of Architecture, the first of October of the same year.
As a result of the reform movement initiated in 1923, there is a significant shift in the programs that had not been reviewed for some twenty years, which caused changes in the curricula of the three aforementioned careers. In 1925 becomes School of Engineers and Architects, continuing within the Faculty of Letters and Sciences.
Upon the enactment of the teaching law of 1937, twelve faculties are created at the University of Havana, within which the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture appears with new programs for Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Architecture, which remained in force with slight modifications until 1960.
In January 1943 this Faculty is divided into two: Engineering, where you continue studying Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering and Architecture, with the race of the same name.
The incorporation of a broad student movement to the insurrectional process then organized to overthrow the current government, causes the closure of the University in the year 1956, which does not reopen until after the revolutionary triumph of 1 January 1959.
The November 18, 1961 is founded the Faculty of Technology of the University of Havana, and on January 10, 1962 it is officially ratified by the Law of University Reform, integrating again, with six Schools : Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Architecture. Later they would appear: Mining Engineering, Geophysical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Sugar Engineering and the technical level careers: Hydrotechnology and Topography.


In September 1960, the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro announced the purpose of building a university city; name her José Antonio Echeverría. There were three possible places for its realization, and by consensus was chosen the neighbor to the Central Toledo, now Central Manuel Martínez Prieto, in the current municipality of Marianao.
The March 13, 1961, commemorating the fourth anniversary of the assault on the Presidential Palace and the taking of Radio Reloj, the construction works were officially inaugurated. In the year of 1962 constructive work had advanced considerably but there was a pressing need for capital to subsidize the completion of the project. To this end, Engineer Altshuler prepared a report requesting technical assistance from the Special Fund of the United Nations, a request that met opposition from the representative of the United States, but since there were no strong reasons to reject it, they sought to obstruct it. always postponing their treatment in the Assemblies of said Organization. The pressure made by the Cuban diplomatic headquarters caused a Mission to be organized in April 1965, composed of Mr. Didier Manheimer, Consulting Engineer, Director of the International Formation Society of France and Audun Ofjord, Director of Bergen Materials Test and Research Laboratory. The visit verified that the report sent had been fulfilled, and that the Faculty was a concrete reality, since the teaching staff, the students had been developed and the installation was largely built. The project was approved in October of that same year, granting the amount of $2 007 600.00 USD.
Finally December 2, 1964, Fidel Castro opens in this Capital, the University City José Antonio Echeverría,, occupying its facilities the Faculty of Technology of the University of Havana and the leveling courses, designed to properly train high school graduates, who aspired to study engineering careers.

Structural changes

On July 29, 1976, the José Antonio Echeverría Higher Polytechnic Institute was founded, by decision of the newly created Ministry of Higher Education, which immediately promoted a national network of Higher Education Centers, as a consequence of the growth of enrollment in the few existing universities and because of the justified need to perfect the National System at that level.
Thus, the Faculty of Technology is definitively separated from the University of Havana, becoming the Higher Polytechnic Institute José Antonio Echeverría CUJAE, being defined by Law as the Center responsible for the training of specialists in the field of technical sciences and It conferred the responsibility of being the Rector Center of Architecture and the engineering that are taught in it, except those related to Mining Engineering and Agronomic Engineering that are no longer studied in the CUJAE and that transferred the rectories of the same to Higher Metallurgical Mining Institute of Moa and the Agrarian University of Havana.
With an independent structure, this university begins its teaching activities in the academic year 1976 - 1977 and with it would also open a new faculty, the Azucarera, whose antecedents are imbricated in the subsidiary created in 1972 in the Central "Camilo Cienfuegos".
On June 30, 2016, the agreement No.7943 of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers is taken, in which the integration of the universities in Cuba is concluded, where the approval of the name change is adopted in the sixth agreement. Higher Polytechnic Institute "José Antonio Echeverría", Technological University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría", with the acronym CUJAE, giving both national and international University character.

Current work strategies


The Technological University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría" CUJAE is a university inherited from the tradition of more than a century in the teaching of engineering and architecture in Cuba, with a collective of workers and students, whose mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of Cuban society through comprehensive, continuous and efficient training of professionals of excellence committed to their Socialist Homeland, scientific and technical activity and university extension, with national leadership and international prestige in the field of technical sciences.


The Technological University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría" CUJAE should become:
• A bulwark of the Revolution that participates in a relevant way in the development of the Cuban socialist society, with professors and graduates, integral and of excellence, within a committed university community.
• A center that strengthens its leading role in the technical sciences, with excellence in the integrated development of university management processes and an outstanding contribution to economic, sociocultural and environmental development.
• A scientific, technological, cultured and humanistic university model of excellence in the Latin American area with international recognition for its relevant and effective training programs and for the impact of its scientific and technical results for the development of Cuban society.


The CUJAE is composed of more than forty buildings and covers an area of 398,000 square meters which include classrooms, laboratories, conference rooms, research centers, libraries, workshops, warehouses, dormitories, canteens, cafeterias, administrative offices, teaching offices, theaters, sports gyms, sports fields, medical dispensary, student recreation house, post office, department of editions, printing, and all kinds of facilities that contribute to the correct preparation of students.


The CUJAE has 9 faculties where 13 careers are studied.
The faculties are:
The programs are:
  • Architecture
  • Automation engineering
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Civil engineering
  • Electric engineering
  • Geophysical engineering
  • Hydraulic engineering
  • Industrial engineering
  • Informatics engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Metallurgy and materials engineering
  • Chemical engineering
  • Telecommunications and electronics engineering
It has 10 research centers, almost entirely associated with the faculties, they constitute the nucleus par excellence of scientific work, where the groups of the most relevant and most important results are grouped.
The Centers are:
  • CIH, Center for Hydraulic Research.
  • CIME, Center for Microelectronics Research.
  • CETDIR, Center for Studies in Management Techniques.
  • CIPEL, Center for Electro-Energy Research and Tests.
  • CECAT, Center for Construction and Tropical Architecture.
  • CETER, Center for Studies on Renewable Energy Technologies.
  • CIPRO, Center for Process Engineering Studies.
  • CEIM, Center for Innovation and Maintenance Studies.
  • CREA, Reference Center for Advanced Education.
  • CEBIO Center for Biomedical Studies.
  • CITI, Complex of Integrated Technological Research.
Throughout its history, the Cujae has graduated more than fifty thousand professionals, of which two have been foreign students, from countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia. More than ninety international projects of friendship and academic exchange have been developed with more than two universities in the world.


Next, the list of deans and rectors that the Faculty of Technology has had and later the Polytechnical Superior Institute from its foundation date:

Deans of the Faculty of Technology (1961 - 1976)

  • Ing. Diosdado Pérez Franco
  • Ing. Miguel Llaneras Rodríguez
  • Arq. Eduardo Granados Navarro
  • Arq. Gonzalo de Quesada Mesa
  • Ing. José Arañaburo García
  • Ing. José Lavandero García
  • Ing. Orlando Olivera Martín

    Rectors of the Cujae (1976 - 2018)

  • Dr. Ing. Orlando Olivera Martín
  • Dr. Ing. Rodolfo Alarcón Ortiz
  • Dr. Ing. Antonio Romillo Tarke
  • Dr. Ing. Arturo Bada González
  • Dr. Ing. Gustavo Cobreiro Suárez
  • Dr. Ing. Alicia Alonso Becerra

    Doctors Honoris Causa

  • Fidel Castro Ruz
  • Eusebio Leal Spengler
  • Diosdado Pérez Franco
  • Fernando Carlos Vecino Alegret
  • Mario Coyula Cowley
  • José Bienvenido Martínez Rodríguez
  • Roberto Segré Pando
  • Vitervo O'Reilly Díaz
  • José Altshuler Gutber
  • Jorge Acevedo Catá
  • Sixto Antonio Ruiz de Alejo
  • Hugo Rafael Wainshtok Rivas
  • Raúl González Romero
  • Francisco Medinas Torri
  • Luis Blanca Fernández
  • Leonardo Ruiz Alejo
  • José Lavandero García
  • Norberto Marrero de León
  • Gilda Vega Cruz
  • Lourdes Zumalacárregui de Cárdenas


It currently has ten digital scientific journals, focused on topics related to engineering, architecture and pedagogy:
Scientific Publications:
  1. CUJAE Project

The CUJAE is in a constructive process, which from 2017 to 2021 aims to renovate the center. The goal is to have the highest technology in each of its spaces: classrooms, laboratories, libraries, theaters, among others.
The CUJAE Project has its background in the act for the 50th anniversary of the institution chaired by the Raul Castro, president of the Councils of States and Ministers, who gave the guidance of "putting the school at the height of the actual times". Being a university of technical sciences and preparing students in architecture and engineering that are capable of carrying out projects for production, it was decided that they could carry out the projects in the school, but based on the improvement of it.


It has one of the most extensive intranets in the country with a network supported by a number of servers spread throughout the institution and managed by students and teachers. In this network you can find material of all kinds that successfully supports education lacking physical books but extensive in books and virtual articles.
Internet on the other hand is restricted by a proxy server that allows controlled access for users of the same. Recently it has increased its speed and types of access, currently allowing remote telephone access and increased information traffic.