International Air Transport Association code

IATA codes are abbreviations that the International Air Transport Association publishes to facilitate air travel. They are typically 1, 2, 3, or 4 character combinations that uniquely identify locations, equipment, companies, and times to standardize international flight operations. All codes within each group follow a pattern to reduce the potential for error.

Airport codes

s are trigram letter designations for airports, like "ORY", "CPT", OTP and "BCN".

Airline designators

s are digram letter/digit codes for airline companies, like "M6", "NH", and "4A".

Aircraft type designators

IATA aircraft type designators are trigram letter/digit codes used for aircraft models, like "J41" and "744".

Country codes

letter codes are used for countries as specified in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. One additional code is used:
letter codes are used for currencies as specified in ISO 4217.

IATA time zone codes

IATA time zone is a country or a part of a country, where local time is the same. IATA time zone code is constructed of 2–4 characters as follows:
Example: Time zone code AU2 is used for Australian states New South Wales and Victoria. Time zone code AU2A is used for Tasmania. Time zone code AU2B is used for Queensland.

IATA region codes

IATA region codes trigram letters codes used to specify large territories, consisting of several countries.
Following codes are used:
Speaking on region codes and countries, country code RU is used to specify part of Russia west from Ural Mountains and country code XU is used to specify part of Russia east from Ural Mountains. Country RU is in EUR region, country XU is in SEA region. For all other purposes only country code RU is used to specify all the territory of Russia.
Country code AQ is used to specify Antarctica. Country AQ is not in any of regions listed here.

IATA meal codes

Source: IATA –
The trigram is composed of the first letter of first name and the first two letters of the names

IATA class codes

IATA class codes are 1-letter codes created to help airlines standardize conditions of travel on passenger tickets and other traffic documents.