International Informix Users Group

The International Informix Users Group is a non-profit organization whose goals are to provide support and education for users of Informix products and technology.
Membership to IIUG has always been free. IIUG counted over 28,000 members in 2007.


It has been created in 1995 by five founders:
As of 2013, the IIUG is a non-profit organization.


IIUG provides many services to its members including a monthly newsletter, a jobs board, and SIG forums.


One of the main service of IIUG is to publish news through a monthly newsletter. Previous editors of the Insider are Fred Hubbard, Jean Georges Perrin, Gary Ben-Israel and David Fraser.


IIUG provides with topics on Informix-4GL, Informix Dynamic Server, etc.


More recently, IIUG has started its own TV channel:


IIUG has organized and conducted its own user conference since 2008 usually held in late April. The 2014 conference was held in Miami, Florida, from April 27 to May 1.


It is managed by a board, composed of 10 elected volunteers and 1 liaison to IBM, who now owns the Informix product line.

Current Board of Directors

For 2016-2017, the board is composed of:
For 2015, the board is composed of:
For 2013, the board is composed of:
For 2009, the board is composed of:
For 2008, the board is composed of:
For 2007, the board is composed of: