International League of Antiquarian Booksellers
The International League of Antiquarian Booksellers is a non-profit umbrella organization of bookseller associations, with its legal location in Geneva, Switzerland. It federates 22 National Associations of Antiquarian Booksellers, representing nearly 2000 dealers in 32 countries. Antiquarian booksellers affiliated to the League adhere to the ILAB Code of Ethics, and the League aims to server as a global network for the rare book trade.
The idea of forming an international organization of antiquarian booksellers that would beneficially link national associations of antiquarian booksellers was originally conceived by the former president of the Dutch Association, Menno Hertzberger. As a Jew, he had spent part of the Second World War hiding from the Nazis. To quote him:"Five long years had put up … barriers between nations. There was no communication. This enforced extra chauvinism - worse, hatred. Was there a possibility to do something about inter-human relationships, to bring nations more together? This was my dream. But how could it be realized? Only on common ground, on mutual interests. Therefore, for an antiquarian bookseller, by THE BOOK!"
In 1947 representatives from five countries, Denmark, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden, met in Amsterdam to discuss the formation of such an organization, with the aim of establishing open markets, to foster friendship and understanding, and to counteract the animosity and suspicion engendered by World War Two. The president of the British Association, Percy H. Muir, chaired the first conference and became a major role player in the evolution of the League; Muir also assembled the important scientific library of Ian Fleming, later author of the James Bond novels - through Muir, Fleming himself became a director of the London booksellers Elkin Mathews. The ILAB was formally incorporated in Copenhagen in September 1948, with ten participating countries, among them Belgium, Finland, Switzerland, Norway, Italy, Great Britain, France, Sweden, the Netherlands and Denmark. William S. Kundig from Switzerland was elected the first ILAB President in the history of the League. In his opening speech the Danish bookseller Einar Grønholt Pedersen defined the universal aims and ethics of all ILAB antiquarian booksellers:
Present status
22 national associations and some 2000 rare booksellers in 32 countries under one roof: Members of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers are the national associations, their members are affiliated to the League, and known as ILAB booksellers or ILAB affiliates.ILAB Congresses and ILAB Book Fairs are important market places of the rare book world. The ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography is awarded every fourth year to outstanding academic works on bibliography and the history of the book. The ILAB Stolen Book Database aims to prevent book thefts worldwide.
ILAB's website contains information on books, manuscripts, autographs and prints. Each national association affiliated to the League has its own website, all of which are brought together under the umbrella of ILAB.
Code of Ethics
The League publishes, and upholds, a code of ethics and good practice based on the wide experience of all its member nations. ILAB affiliated booksellers are expected to follow this code. The display of the ILAB logo, and those of national associations, pledges to maintain authenticity of all material offered for sale, correct description of all such material, disclosure of all significant defects or restorations, accurate and professional pricing of all material, clear marking of all prices and care in the conduct of appraisals or valuations.ILAB Congresses and International Book Fairs
ILAB Congresses and International Antiquarian Book Fairs are open to all antiquarian booksellers affiliated to the League through their national associations. They are cultural and social events held every two years in another country, where the delegates have the possibility to study the treasures of book printing and arts, and to deepen business contacts.The first congresses were held in Amsterdam and Copenhagen, followed by London, Paris, Geneva, Milan, New York City, Ravenna, San Francisco, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Melbourne and many other cities. In 2008, the 38th ILAB Congress and the 22nd International Book Fair took place in Madrid, while in 2010 antiquarian booksellers and bibliophiles met in Bologna for the 39th Congress and 23rd International Antiquarian Book Fair. The next congress and fair will be held in Switzerland in 2012.
ILAB also sponsors international book fairs organised by the national associations, as for example in Paris, London, New York City, San Francisco, Sydney, Stuttgart, Madrid, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Tokyo or in the Scandinavian capitals. These fairs provide members the opportunity to exhibit for sale books, prints and manuscripts.
National associations
- The Australian & New Zealand Association of Antiquarian Booksellers
- Antiquarian Booksellers Association of Austria, formed in 1949, includes those Austrian antiquarian booksellers who exclusively or primarily buy and sell antiquarian books, magazines, prints, autograph letters or music.
- La Chambre Professionelle Belge de la Librairie Ancienne et Moderne /Belgische Beroepskamer van Antiquaren
- Associação Brasileira de Liveiros Antiquarios, established in 1945 by Walter Geyerhahn, his brother Stefan Geyerhahn and Erich Eichner. They were proprietors of the "Livraria Editora KOSMOS", located in Rio de Janeiro since 1935. Among the dozens of important 19th century works re-edited by Livraria Kosmos and many of 20th century works edited, was the "Bibliografia Brasiliana", written by Rubem Borba de Moraes and published in association with "Editora Colibris", Amsterdam. The Brazilian Association joined the League in 1954.
- Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of Canada /Association de la Librairie Ancienne du Canada
- Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of the Czech Republic or Svaz Antikváru CR has 16 rare booksellers from Eastern Europe as its members. It was founded in 1992 and became affiliated to the League in 1994.
- Den Danske Antikvarboghandlerforening
- Finnish Antiquarian Booksellers Association Suomen Antikvariaattiyhdistys, was founded in 1941. Its first and long-standing chairman was Erik Olsoni during whose presidency SAY became a member of ILAB in 1948. The association started with 10 members in the early 1940s, and has 24 members at present.
- Syndicat National de la Librairie Ancienne et Moderne
- German Antiquarian Booksellers' Association was founded in 1949 and unites some 260 antiquarian booksellers, auctioneers, autograph, art and print dealers who adhere to the ILAB Code of Ethics. This provides customers with guarantees of adherence to the ILAB code of ethics. The VDA organizes the Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair which is held every year in January, and runs an online database for book auction records: Auktionspreise Online.
- Antiquarian Booksellers Association, United Kingdom
- Hungarian Antiquarian Booksellers' Association became an ILAB member in 2010. The MAE was founded in 1992 and has 15 members at present.
- Associazione Librai Antiquari d'Italia is a founding member of the ILAB, having joined it in 1948, during the first Congress in Copenhagen.
- Antiquarian Booksellers Association of Japan
- Antiquarian Booksellers Association of Korea, founded in 1989 and joined ILAB in 1990 during the Tokyo Congress, thus becoming its 18th member.
- Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Antiquaren, founded in 1935 with the object of promoting reliability in the trade of old books and prints
- Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of Norway or Norsk Antikvarbokhandlerforening was established in April 1942 by Jørgen W. Cappelen of Cappelens Antikvariat. The NABF joined the League in 1948 and counts 19 affiliates at the *
- Russian Antiquarian Booksellers' Association, Forum Antikvarov Bukinistov is a relatively young organization, and was admitted to the League as its 22nd member in 2009.
- Spanish Antiquqarian Booksellers' Association or Asociación Ibéria de Librerias Anticuarias was founded in Barcelona in 1990 and became an ILAB member in 1993. Currently 56 rare booksellers are members of AILA. The association organizes annual fairs alternating between Madrid and Barcelona.
- Svenska Antikvariatföreningen, the Swedish Association of Antiquarian Booksellers, was established in 1936, and belongs to the League since its beginnings. Today SVAF has 64 members nationally.
- Vereinigung der Buchantiquare und Kupferstichhändler in der
- The Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America in the United States