International Naturist Federation

The International Naturist Federation or Fédération naturiste internationale or Internationalen Naturisten Föderation is the global umbrella organisation representing official national naturist societies.


The INF is made up of representatives of national naturist organisations. The rules of the federation limit membership to one national society. To by-pass this rule, the French and English-speaking Canadian societies formed a partnership for the purpose of participating in the INF.
Some federations have independent youth organisations which are currently not affiliated to the INF directly. On European level, youth representatives have elected a Youth committee to speak towards the INF and the European Naturist Assembly. Its task is to coordinate events and promote communication and exchange between young naturists.
The rules of INF provide for direct in the INF if there is no affiliated national naturist organisation in the country of residence.

Affiliated national organisations

The INF currently represents the following organisations:


The World Congress of the INF have been held in the following cities. World Congresses were organized prior to the founding of the INF. At the 1953 World Congress the INF was officially created. All World Congresses after 1953 were organized by the INF.
List of INF presidents