Internet Routing Registry

An Internet Routing Registry is a database of Internet route objects for determining, and sharing route and related information used for configuring routers, with a view to avoiding problematic issues between Internet service providers.
The Internet routing registry works by providing an interlinked hierarchy of objects designed to facilitate the organization of IP routing between organizations, and also to provide data in an appropriate format for automatic programming of routers. Network engineers from participating organizations are authorized to modify the Routing Policy Specification Language objects, in the registry, for their own networks. Then, any network engineer, or member of the public, is able to query the route registry for particular information of interest.

Relevant objects

In some RIR regions, the adoption/updates of for e.g. AUT-NUM is only done when the record is created by the RIR, and as long nobody complains about issues, the records remain unreliable/original-state. Most global ASNs provide valid information about their resources in their e.g. AS-SET objects. Peering networks are highly automated, and it would be very harmful for the ASNs.