The Interpreter design pattern is one of the twenty-three well-known GoF design patterns that describe how to solve recurring design problems to design flexible and reusable object-oriented software, that is, objects that are easier to implement, change, test, and reuse. What problems can the Interpreter design pattern solve?
so that sentences in the language can be interpreted.
When a problem occurs very often, it could be considered to represent it as a sentence in a simple language so that an interpreter can solve the problem by interpreting the sentence. For example, when many different or complex search expressions must be specified. Implementing them directly into a class is inflexible because it commits the class to particular expressions and makes it impossible to specify new expressions or change existing ones independently from the class. What solution does the Interpreter design pattern describe?
Define a grammar for a simple language by defining an Expressionclass hierarchy and implementing an interpret operation.
Represent a sentence in the language by an abstract syntax tree made up of Expression instances.
Interpret a sentence by calling interpret on the AST.
The expression objects are composed recursively into a composite/tree structure that is called abstract syntax tree. The Interpreter pattern doesn't describe how to build an abstract syntax tree. This can be done either manually by a client or automatically by a parser. See also the UML class and object diagram below.
In the above UML class diagram, the Client class refers to the common AbstractExpression interface for interpreting an expression interpret. The TerminalExpression class has no children and interprets an expression directly. The NonTerminalExpression class maintains a container of child expressions and forwards interpret requests to these expressions. The object collaboration diagram shows the run-time interactions: The Client object sends an interpret request to the abstract syntax tree. The request is forwarded to all objects downwards the tree structure. The NonTerminalExpression objects forward the request to their child expressions. The TerminalExpression objects perform the interpretation directly.
The following Backus–Naur form example illustrates the interpreter pattern. The grammar expression ::= plus | minus | variable | number plus ::= expression expression '+' minus ::= expression expression '-' variable ::= 'a' | 'b' | 'c' |... | 'z' digit = '0' | '1' |... | '9' number ::= digit | digit number
This structural code demonstrates the Interpreter patterns, which using a defined grammar, provides the interpreter that processes parsed statements. namespace DesignPatterns.Interpreter
Following the interpreter pattern, we need to implement the interface Expr with a lambda for each grammar rule. public class Interpreter
PHP (Example 1)
/** * AbstractExpression */ interface Expression
/** * TerminalExpression */ class TerminalExpression implements Expression
/** * NonTerminalExpression */ abstract class NonTerminalExpression implements Expression
/** * NonTerminalExpression - PlusExpression */ class PlusExpression extends NonTerminalExpression
/** * NonTerminalExpression - MinusExpression */ class MinusExpression extends NonTerminalExpression
/** * Client */ class InterpreterClient
// test.php function loadClass spl_autoload_register; )->main; //result: -16
PHP (Example 2)
based on the example above with another realization of the Client /** * Client */ class InterpreterClient