The purpose of IDMEF is to define data formats and exchange procedures for sharing information of interest to intrusion detection and response systems and to the management systems that may need to interact with them. It is used in computer security for incidents reporting and exchanging. It is intended for easy automatic processing. IDMEF is a well-structured object-oriented format, which consists of 33 classes containing 108 fields, including three mandatory:
The classification
The unique login
The date of creation of the alert.
There are currently two types of IDMEF messages that can be created, Heartbeat or Alert
The Heartbeats are sent by the analyzers to indicate their status. These messages are sent at regular intervals which period is defined in the Heartbeat Interval Field. If none of these messages are received for several periods of time, consider that this analyzer is not able to trigger alerts.
Alerts are used to describe an attack that took place, the main areas that create the alert are:
CreateTime: Date of creation of the alert
DetectTime: alert detection time by the analyzer
AnalyzerTime: The time the alert was sent by the analyzer
Source: Details about the origin of the attack can be a service, a user, a process and / or a node
Target: Details on the target of the attack can be a service, a user, a process and / or a node and a file
Classification: Name of the attack and references, as CVEs
Assessment: Evaluation of the attack
AdditionalData: Additional information on the attack
There are three other alert types that inherit from this scheme:
CorrelationAlert: Grouping of alerts related to one another
ToolAlert: alerts from the same Grouping tool
OverflowAlert: Alert resulting from attack so-called buffer overflow
IDMEF report of ping of death attack can look as follows:
: Part of the , libprelude permits to communicate between agents using the IDMEF format. Libprelude is coded in C but multiple bindings are available. It can be used in any open-source IDS tools.
: LibIDMEF is an implementation of the IETF, IDWG, draft standard IDMEF protocol.
: Dotnet library to create IDMEF objects and export them in XML.
– Distributed IDMEF Logical Correlation Architecture : DILCA is a distributed logical correlation and reaction architecture featuring collection and correlation of IDMEF formatted log events through a multi-step signature based system.
– A perl module for building/parsing IDMEF messages : is an interface for simply creating and parsing IDMEF messages. IDMEF is an XML based protocol designed mainly for representing Intrusion Detection alert messages.
: Snort IDMEF is an IDMEF XML plugin for Snort to output alert events in the form of IDMEF messages. The plugin is compatible with Snort 2.x