Ipas (organization)

Ipas is an international, non-governmental organization that increases access to safe abortions and contraception. To this end the organization informs women how to obtain safe and legal abortions and trains relevant partners in Africa, Asia, and Latin America on how to provide and advocate for these.


Ipas was founded in 1973 to aid countries in the reform of their reproductive health services and give them technologies saving lives of the women seeking abortion. In 2009 thanks to Ipas the Indian government has included comprehensive abortion care in their National Health Mission.
In 2016, Ipas and the Guttmacher Institute convened a convention on abortion research, focusing on the causes and outcomes of unsafe abortion practices, specifically in Sub-Saharan Africa. Since 2017 Ipas began paying for local family-planning services to provide abortions and made a commitment to donate $10 million to such family-planning and abortion services annually.

Scope of work

Ipas works to improve women's access and right to safe abortion care and reproductive health services by:
To aid these tactics, together with other similar bodies, Ipas issued a joint declaration on abortion during the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 in 2019, where the strategy of these organizations is to:
In order to achieve their goals Ipas focuses on areas that they see as being key to accomplishing their goals. Some of their key areas of focus include:
Ipas has stated that the Global Gag Rule, also known as Mexico City policy, inflicts suffering on women and girls around the world as it makes it difficult for women to get safe and effective abortions in third world countries, particularly in sub-Saharan African countries. At the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo former Ipas official Barbara Crane spoke out against this policy,"We need stronger health systems and we need integrated service delivery. One of the problems is that family planning has often been kept separate from the problems is that family planning has often been kept separate from other health service delivery and verticalized, and abortion even more so. How do you break the cycle of unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion? You need to help women have access to services... All it does is marginalize women who have a clear and desperate need for these services and makes it harder for them to get access and it stigmatizes providers."
As of 2019 Ipas has reported that staff in Africa and Asia are reporting back that this policy is having a negative effect on local women to have safe abortions due to lack of information and funding. They have also reported that grantees are uneducated on the ruling and unknowingly accept it, which hinders their work on abortion, which results in grantees are concluding their support with Ipas due to misunderstandings, and Bangladesh stopped providing contraceptives which lead to stock-outs in some private facilities.

Organizations Under Ipas