
Iporá is a municipality in west-central Goiás state, Brazil. The population is around 31 300 in a total area of 1,026.4 km². It is known as the City of the Clear Waters because of its many streams and rivers and also known as "The Capital of the Universe".


Iporá is the center of the Iporá Microregion, in the Goiás West Region. The distance to the state capital, Goiânia, is 225 km. and connections are made by highway GO-060 passing through / Trindade / Turvânia / Firminópolis /Nazário / São Luís dos Montes Belos Israelândia.
The municipal boundaries in the north are with Diorama, Jaupaci and Israelândia; in the south with Amorinópolis and Ivolândia; in the east with Moiporá and Ivolândia; and in the west with Arenópolis.

Geography and climate

There are low mountains: Serra do Caiapó, Serra dos Pilões, Serra do Rio Claro, and Morro do Macaco, where there are deposits of nickel.
The region has a tropical climate, hot and semi-moist, with two well defined seasons: humid, from October to March, with torrential rains, corresponding to spring and summer and known as the season of the waters; and dry, from April to September, corresponding to autumn and winter, known as the dry season. The temperature varies between the average minimum of 18 °C and the average maximum of 31 °C. Annual rainfall is 1,500 milliliters.
Districts, Villages, and Hamlets
Commerce is the main economic activity with over 458 enterprises registered. Cattle raising is also important with 92,000 head registered. The dairy industry is especially vibrant with three milk companies operating in the region. In addition there is a large poultry industry with 70,000 birds registered in 2006. The main agricultural products were corn, manioc, rice, bananas, and soy beans.
Economic Data
Motor Vehicles
There were 5,781 motorcycles and motorbikes in the city in 2007.
Agricultural data 2006
Main crops in hectares 2006
For the complete list see