Ira (name)

Ira is a male and female given name. In Sanskrit, Ira is the name of the goddess Saraswati, short for Iravati. Ira is the daughter of Daksha who was married to the sage Kashyap.
In Russia and Finland, Ira is a female given name, a version of the name of the Greek goddess Hera, Ήρα, queen of the gods and wife of Zeus.
In Hebrew, the name Ira has several meanings,
among them "Watchful".
In the United States, the given name Ira was in the top 100 names from 1880, the first year recorded, until 1896 and steadily declined for over a century; only in 2016 did the name return to the Social Security Administration's top 1000 names.
Ira may refer to:
