Irano-Afghan race

The Irano-Afghan race is an obsolete term for a physical type most common among populations native to the Iranian plateau. The Irano-Afghan type was classified as belonging to the greater Caucasian race. It was usually associated with the Mediterranean subtype, depending on the authority consulted.


described the Irano-Afghan race as branch of the Mediterranean race, describing them as being long-faced, high-headed and leptorrhine. Bertil Lundman by contrast postulates an "Iranid" subtype of his "Eastern Mediterranean" race. Earnest Hooton in 1946 describes the "Iranian Plateau type" as distinct from the Atlanto-Mediterranean one:
According to Renato Biasutti the type was defined by:
John Lawrence Angel following Coon in 1971 discusses a "Nordic-Iranian type" in the following terms:
