Irina Kazakova

Irina Kazakova is known as one of the world's most flexible rhythmic gymnasts of all time and is now a well established performer known for her extreme flexibility. She is a world-class gymnast who specializes in contortion and rhythmic gymnastics on Russia's national team. She is trained with a personal trainer, with whom she works on her oversplits. Her most popular performance is her "Snake Dance". As a rhythmic gymnast, she has performed with the ball, clubs, hoop, and ribbons.
Residing currently in Los Angeles, backed up with long history in rhythmic gymnastics and contortion on Russia’s national team, has given her a unique view of aesthetics and body shapes, being a certified free diver & scuba diver for years, she was able to provide an outstanding underwater modeling performance which rewarded her with having a certain awareness of the lines and curves of the body and how to express emotions in a silent environment.
Today Irina is pursuing her creative expression through different mediums and one of them is photography. Irina’s work has been seen in numerous publication and various fine art platforms, along with different art exhibits. She is currently available for commercial commissions as well as art collaborations, providing an outstanding quality in underwater and fashion/portrait photography, Irina is available for booking internationally.

Awards and honors

Contortionist, New York
Featured on MSNBC